New Boxes for Trash Bags on Buffalo Bayou and Spring Creek
Aug. 16, 2020
Four years ago a Houston Boy Scout built and installed wooden boxes to distribute reusable mesh bags for collecting trash on Buffalo Bayou and Spring Creek. The project was part of a statewide initiative of the Nueces River Authority called Up2U. It was also part of the Scout’s service requirement for obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout.
But over time the boxes wore out. And now another Scout, 16-year-old Edward Millard, has built new boxes for his Eagle Scout service project. And with the help of Tenderfoot Scout Luke Odom (and a little assistance from the dad), Millard has installed them at three locations: Pundt Park on Spring Creek and Briar Bend Park and Memorial Park on Buffalo Bayou, the latter two being part of Texas Parks and Wildlife’s 26-mile Buffalo Bayou Paddling Trail.
All these dedicated young Scouts are members of Troop 55. And as mother Elisabeth Millard noted during the installation, in these pandemic times, with social distancing, it’s not easy to put in the service hours required for advancing through the ranks of scouting.
Thank you for your service, Edward and Luke.