Buffalo Bayou thanks the following individuals and organizations who have made generous donations to support Save Buffalo Bayou in 2014-2015:
The Bayou Fund, Frank C. Smith Jr.
The Hamman Foundation
The Hershey Foundation
O Live Fund, Olive Hershey
Prometheus Charitable Trust, E. Blaine Adams, trustee
Rebecca Allen
John Berlinghoff / Evelyn L. Merz
Judy Dean
Kirk Farris
Michelle Michot Foss
Claude Glover
Office of Terese T. Hershey
Barbara Hinton
Richard Hyde
Tamsen Kiehnhoff
Emilie Kilgore
Sheryl Kolasinski
Rodger Lacy
Ofelia Mayo
Fan and Peter Morris
Al & Elizabeth Pacholder
Dan Phillips
Christian Sarkar
John B. Schwaller and Sue Vincent Schwaller
D. Stephen Smith
Frank Tamborello
Frank X. Tolbert 2
Martha Claire Tompkins
Janice Van Dyke Walden
William S. Wilson
Marylyn M. Woodhouse
Joan Smith Woodward
In-kind contributions:
Steve and Jordan Astrich, Copy.com
Arvin Conrad
Chris Conrad
Kirk Farris
Steve Green
Tom Helm, Helm Canoe Guide Service
Kronberg’s Flags and Flagpoles
Jared Kudabeck
Christian Sarkar