March 9, 2015
Longtime environmentalist and defender of Buffalo Bayou Frank Salzhandler died unexpectedly last month at his home in Houston’s Cherryhurst neighborhood. He was much too young.
Frank was a respected activist and the founder in 1989 of the Endangered Species Media Project, a nonprofit organization that graciously sponsored Save Buffalo Bayou before it became an independent nonprofit last fall.
Among its many important projects, in 2010 the Endangered Species Media Project commissioned Houston composer Brad Sayles and the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra to create a symphony for Buffalo Bayou.
We offer this opportunity to listen to the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra playing the lovely Buffalo Bayou Suite in honor of Frank Salzhandler.
Listen to the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra playing Brad Sayles’ Buffalo Bayou Suite.
A Celebration of the Life of Frank Salzhandler
On February 7, 2015 the environmental community lost a dear friend and valiant warrior in Endangered Species Media Project founder and long time Executive Director Frank Salzhandler.
Frank devoted his entire life to the cause of nature-based education for adults and children, for environmental justice, and for the preservation of precious natural resources for all. He believed we were each essential for preserving natural resources and a healthy environment for future generations.
His fight will go on as his mission lives in the hearts and hands of those he brought together to work for common goals. If you wish to commemorate Frank’s life and work, in lieu of flowers donations may be made to ESMP which will be used for the defense fund for Buffalo Bayou as Frank would have wished. Donations to this 501(c) (3) nonprofit are tax deductible.
On Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 1:00PM until 5:00 PM his family, friends and colleagues will gather at the Houston Arboretum to remember Frank and share our memories in his honor. In keeping with the traditions of ESMP there will be multimedia presentations of Frank’s life and work. You will hear the music of The Buffalo Bayou Suite premiered by the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra which was commissioned by ESMP.
In order to plan refreshments for this event, please notify ESMP at by March 18th with the number who will be attending. If you have questions please call 713-520-1985. You may also text Pat Fox at 713-435-9808. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we may finalize arrangements.
If you cannot attend and would like something shared at the gathering, please e-mail it to this address or call to make arrangements.
The Houston Arboretum is located at 4501 Woodway Drive, Houston TX 77024 713-681-8433. .